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Save the Children worked with KnowlEdge Srl and country stakeholders in Colombia, Somalia, and Vietnam to develop systems-based mapping tools to understand climate and health interconnections as well as feedback relationships, which could amplify...

Approximately 25 young climate activists from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand convened virtually with Dr. Philip Jaffé, a United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child representative. They addressed...

Save the Children International (Pakistan) project aimed at addressing the prevalent issue of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan and Sindh provinces. Supported by the US Department of State, the...

Save the Children International (SCI) Nepal, in collaboration with Rural Women Upliftment Association (RWUA) and Girls Not Brides Nepal (GNB) conducted a Gender and Power (GAP)Analysis to examine the root causes and intersecting power...

Identification, Protection and Referral of Child Victims of Trafficking: A Manual for Training of Trainers is a training package for the Sri Lankan government to implement Standard Operating Procedures on detecting and supporting child victims of...

The Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Through Education (AGREE) project was implemented across 34 villages in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from January 2022 to January 2024. This impact evaluation aimed to assess the impact of the Life Skills for Success...

In 2017 the Royal Government of Cambodia raised concerns about the rapid increase in the number of institutionalized children in Cambodia and as a result set an ambitious target of safely reintegrating 30 percent of children in residential care...

Save the Children Myanmar is implementing Sponsorship-funded Child-Centred Community Development Program in Hpa-An, Kayin State through four core programs: Early Childhood Care and Development Program (ECCD), Basic Education Program (BE), School...

Stateless and undocumented indigenous, ethnic, and migrant children in rural Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand, including those with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, are at heightened risk of sexual exploitation due to the...

The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and Save the Children present 14 case studies from around the globe, especially from low- and middle-income countries, that can be useful guides to scientists and policy makers seeking information on how to...