The “Safe Back to School” (SB2S) project, implemented in 12 primary schools in Quang Binh province, Vietnam, aims to ensure education continuity and a safe learning environment amidst disruptions like natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic....
This annual report, prepared by Save the Children’s trustees, provides the audited consolidated financial statements of Save the Children International and its trading subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2022, as well as an overview of...
Save the Children Malawi Country Office has been actively implementing the Children’s Parliament initiative since 2016 in Mwanza and Neno districts in Southern Malawi. This impactful intiative expanded to Mzimba South in 2019 and Ntcheu...
Shift is a Save the Children campaign accelerator designed to support young activists to design and deliver public campaigns for social or environmental change. In Malawi, since April 2022, the youth campaigners are taking lead in addressing...
Case Study Series to Showcase how Play has been Integrated into Save the Children Programming The case studies showcases examples of programmes that have operationalized the Nurturing Care Framework by planning playful programming for the youngest...
The QoS tool is an internal tool for service providers which should be integrated into information management systems and more specifically into the evaluation of the quality of services provided to children and youth on the move. The QoS-CYM tool...
This technical brief aims to describe USAID Advancing Nutrition’s technical assistance to the government of Mozambique from 2019-2022, including our challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for future efforts. We gathered these reflections...
For the third consecutive year, Save the Children has ranked 182 countries by the vulnerability of their school system to hazards that threaten children’s right to learn and against levels of preparedness to those hazards. This enables us to make...
The purpose of this policy paper is to understand barriers to, and promote the advancement of, children’s participation in peace processes. This is done by explaining why and how children should participate and why they have been systematically...
With funding from the US Bureau for Population Refugee and Migration (BPRM), SC began implementing child protection and education interventions in both Benue and Cross River States in 2019. As a result of this partnership, SC has provided safe...