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oPt Escalation Rapid Needs Assessment - Desk Review

2023 - Occupied Palestinian Territories

According to OCHA updates of 16th Oct, heavy Israeli bombardments on Gaza, from the air, sea and land, have continued almost uninterrupted bringing the cumulative fatality toll in the Gaza Strip to 3,000, including at least 853 children as...

Modeli i qendrave të edukimit në fëmijërinë e hershme me bazë në komunitet Ky kuadër bazohet në 5 shtylla, në të cilat bazohen edhe ndërhyrjet e Save the Children në fushën e KZHFH. Korniza shërben si udhërrëfyes për të siguruar përmbushjen e...

This report underlines the key findings from the Prescriptions to Play (P2P) project endline study. The study demonstrates that integrating playful parenting and responsive care into the package of interventions delivered by the Ministry of Health...

This report highlights the changes occurred throughout ASRH awareness raising campaigns in the new transit center of Nkamira, which hosts more than 10 thousand of asylum seekers in Rwanda, following the devastating armed conflicts in the Eastern...

Save the Children’s Safe Families approach is a universal preventative programme for use in development and humanitarian contexts to reduce physical and humiliating punishment. We work with children of all ages, caregivers and communities to...

Save the Children’s Safe Families approach is a universal preventative programme for use in development and humanitarian contexts to reduce physical and humiliating punishment. We work with children of all ages, caregivers and communities to...

The moment for green jobs:  levaraging the green economy to build a better future with young people.

Save the Children implemented a Rapid Needs Assessment in December, 2022 in Palma district, Cabo Delgado, with a focus on informing the education and child protection priorities. The review included visits to four primary schools (EPC Quionga, EPC...

This factsheet provides an overview of the Saving Women and Preterm Babies project (SWAP), a three-year project being implemented in five health facilities in the four divisions of Kampala in conjunction with the Ministry of Health (MOH), Kampala...

Parenting programmes are a key pillar of early childhood development (ECD) policy across the world. There is widespread evidence that these programmes can improve key ECD outcomes, such as children’s cognitive, language, motor and social emotional...