This brief summarizes the research methodology, findings and recommendations from the Gender & Power (GAP) Analysis conducted for the Skills to Succeed (S2S) Italy program. The S2S program GAP Analysis is a form of action research used to...
This research was conducted by 34 child researchers (16 girls and 18 boys), ages 12-18, who led and participated in data collection in selected regions of their respective countries, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.
In 2021, Growth through Nutrition hosted a webinar event on the topic “Key Health, Nutrition, and Agricultural Services in the Face of COVID-19 in Ethiopia: Lessons Learned.” The event presented some of the key findings from two recent...
This guidance will help you to: identify how to share information effectively with children and communities in a conflict setting; develop new approaches to meaningful child participation, even when access is restricted; ensure you can hear...
The Climate Crisis is one of the greatest emergencies of our time. It is a crisis that profoundly and disproportionately affects children, especially those from low and middle-income countries. It is deeply inter-connected with another crisis of...
This briefing note highlights the immediate and long-term devastating impact of attacks on education on the millions of children, teachers and schools that are affected by the brutal seven-year conflict in Yemen. It also aimed at ensuring that...
45% of deaths of children under five globally are linked to malnutrition. Despite progress, 149 million children were stunted in 2020 and 45 million children were wasted. Although the pandemic has worsen the situation, the upcoming Tokyo...
The Association “LAN” (Learning Activity Network) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan, civic organization that operates since 2015, on the principles of impartiality, independence, humanity and voluntariness. Through its...
With support from Save the Children International Nigeria through its partnership with the Inclusive Friends Association (IFA), this situational analysis was commissioned to highlight Nigeria’s socio-economic context and the inclusion of...
The Skills to Succeed (S2S) program in Indonesia provides employability skills, entrepreneurship and financial literacy trainings, mentorship, job counselling, and job linkage services for in- and out-of-school youth ages 15-24. The program also...