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This document presents Save the Children’s vision in the area of social protection and draws together a wide range of examples of our work from accumulated experience in the last decade and a half, categorised into five main types of work....

The COVID-19 Pandemic poses immediate and long-lasting risks to the rights of children including the disruption of access to education, the potential for reduced access to primary and secondary health services, and increased protection risks. Save...

COVID-19 is a global pandemic which threatens children’s rights in countries around the world and exposes them to potentially massive disruption to their healthcare, education, access to basic needs and services like food, protection and social...

Conducted in the Enarji Enawuga and Liben Chiquala districts of Amhara and East Oromia, respectively, this the assessment evaluated in-kind provisions and cash transfers for agricultural inputs (livestock) to determine the best modality in terms...

When chicken dealer Yassid Wedaje participated in a training by Grant under Grant, a Growth through Nutrition initiative, in 2019, he had no idea that it would impact his family. This success story details his experience implementing better...

Al Bawsala is a 4-year regional program (2018-2021) funded by the Ministry of Foreign Af-fairs Denmark – DANIDA, which recognizes and supports young people’s agency by helping to amplify their voices and remove systemic barriers to their...

Children and adolescents account for 58.4% of Dadaab population, 42.6% of whom are school-aged children between 5 and 17 years (UNHCR, November 2019).  An estimated 62,610 refugee children are enrolled in school in Dadaab camps. Despite...

This comprehensive and extensive resource documents the Common Approach Contraception by Choice by Save the Children. Family planning and contraception are crucial interventions to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. This common approach is a...

Child Protection in Emergencies Professional Development Programme (CPiE PDP) is a six-month capacity building programme for mid-level child protection in emergencies practitioners. In the Asia Pacific region, three cycles have been completed...

This report documents the outcomes and lessons learned from Growth through Nutrition’s First 1,000 Days Program, which includes Enhanced Community Conversations and the use of a multi-media package of social and behavior change materials and...