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This brochure summarizes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which explains who children are, all their rights, and the responsibilities of governments. Kjo broshurë e Save the Children, e paraqet një përmbledhje të Konventës...

With a total population of some 12 million natives and 800 thousand Syrian refugees between the ages of 15 and 24, Turkey carries enormous potential for comprehensive development and progress but also risks for social tension and conflict. This...

Data and Trend Analysis (DATA) Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview 2020 is an annual report, describing key trends in migrations in the region in 2020, detailing information about the number of people on the move,...

After the endorsement of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1990, Save the Children began conducting the Child Rights Situation Analysis (CRSA), with the objective of informing strategic planning and implementation....

A comprehensive report on how the Save the Children Rwanda team implemented an education/literacy focused Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) approach under the Mureke Dusome USAID-funded project. The report explains varied types of...

This report responds to one of the key pillars of the Stop the War on Children campaign – the lack of accountability for crimes against children. Drawing on interviews, desk research, and an expert roundtable involving dozens of international...

This report, the third in the ‘Consult Us on What Concerns Us’ series, details the consultations Save the Children’s Somalia team held with children to explore the impact of hunger on their lives and to give children the space to share their...

Save the Children is overseeing two projects that contribute towards similar objectives related to family-based care: the EU-funded Responsive and Effective Child Welfare Systems Transformation (REACT) and the USAID-funded Family Care First (FCF)....

This report is a follow-up study to the Baseline(+PDM) conducted on 12-19 March 2021 and the Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM1) conducted on 17-27 April 2021. The fieldwork for this report was undertaken as cases began to rise again after the...

This field research was conducted by young researchers in the Tillabéri region of Niger. It captures the views of children on the attacks on their education, why education is deliberately attacked, and the impact of these attacks on children and...