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This brief summarizes the research methodology, findings and recommendations from the Gender & Power (GAP) Analysis conducted for the Skills to Succeed (S2S) China program. The S2S program GAP Analysis is a form of action research used to...

Across Asia, millions of children on the move are among the region’s most vulnerable people. Migrant children and their families often exist on the margins of society, struggling to access healthcare and education, and at constant risk of violence...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This presentation detailing the...

Globally, pneumonia remains one of the leading causes of under-five child mortality; a child dies of pneumonia every 39 seconds. In Indonesia, childhood pneumonia is the second highest cause of underfive child mortality. However, scientific...

Animal sourced foods (ASFs) are nutrient dense foods that when consumed in small amounts provide quality protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all nutrients critical for growth and early child development. Growth through Nutrition hosted a...

While millions of children are denied the right to survive, learn and be protected due to the COVID-19 pandemic, current discussions on pandemic preparedness fail to address their needs and rights. Children’s rights to health, education and...

Despite prevailing patriarchal culture and gender-biased attitudes in Gaza, context-aware AISHA (Association for Women and Child Protection), engaged men, boys, women, and girls in an open and interactive dialogue about Sexual and Reproductive...

“Armavir Development Centre” (ADC) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) founded in 2005 in Armavir province of Armenia with the goal of contributing to the improvement and consolidation of the democratic governmental system in the country,...

Globally, deaths in the first month of life account for almost half of all deaths in children under 5 (47%). In Mali, in 2014, at the start of the Services de Santé à Grand Impact project (SSGI) funded by USAID, the neonatal death rate was 34...

This brief provides an overview of the 1,000 days nutrition counseling course developed by USAID Nurture and the Center of Communication and Education for Health. The brief highlights skills for healthcare staff to provide effective nutrition...