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Save the Children conducted research in three refugee camps in Dadaab in Kenya which explored the impact of COVID-19 on children’s education, young mothers’ livelihoods and gender-based violence. This study highlights programmatic adaptations made...

Learning Tree

2020 - Global

Learning Tree is a scalable child and teacher-facing application to access learning content anywhere, any time.

This report presents key findings and recommendations from a series of four discussion-based expert consultation workshops. These consultations—organized by the READY initiative and the Inter Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in crises ...

This short video is on breaking the menstrual discrimination and taboos with girls at family level. This video gives message to sensitize parents to treat well during menstrual periods with their girls and do not discriminate against them.

The Child Grant is a government of  Nepal cash transfer programme for children under 5 years aiming to reduce underweight.  Save the Children has developed a parenting programme for the families receiving this grant focusing on...

This success story introduces Hawi Tamirat, who, inspired by her own journey to better health and prosperity, has taken to sharing the nutrition knowledge and skills she has gained from Growth through Nutrition’s social and behavior change...

Over the past years, the world has witnessed record levels of mixed migration, mainly originating from and hosted within developing countries. Individuals and families migrate for a variety of reasons, some choose to leave to seek education and...

This guidance note provides information on using educational facilities/temporary learning centres as shelters, markets and treatment units for COVID-19. It was developed by the Education in Emergencies Working Group Nigeria.

What is the Nurturing Care Framework (NCF)? What is Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)? Read this factsheet to learn about the operationalization of the NCF in Cambodia.

Reports show that persons with disabilities in Somalia struggle to be recognized, gain access to resources, and feel valued in their community. Through the lack of explicit inclusion, they are often denied access to water, food,...