Save the Children’s South Sudan country office held consultations with children to explore the impact of hunger, flooding, and the COVID-19 pandemic on their lives. Throughout 2020 and 2021, Save the Children has been providing humanitarian...
Over 300 million dollars are wasted in ‘unnecessary caesarian section’ deliveries in Bangladesh. In countries like Bangladesh where universal health coverage is yet to take a more structured form, these out of pocket expenses can push citizens...
This compendium presents a series of best practices, promising practices and lessons learned associated with the project, “Communication for Education – Back to School” (C4E II), a collaboration of CARE International in Cambodia (CARE) and Save...
This report is a follow-up study related to post-distribution monitoring (PDM1) of the cash transfer component of the program from the previous baseline (+PDM) conducted. It is important to note that between the data collection undertaken for the...
About 60 percent of the children live in poor households in Zambia. Most of these children live in rural areas where the incidence of extreme poverty is five times higher at 76.6 percent than urban levels at 12.8 percent, raising the need and...
The endline survey found that the project had a significantly positive impact on the IDELA (International Development & Early Learning Assessment) scores because Save the Children provided professional development and support networks by...
This brief provides an overview of USAID Nurture water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities in Laos aimed at increasing and sustaining household WASH targets while also working to achieve community open defecation free status in support of...
A snapshot survey carried out by Save the Children in 6 countries where schools have reopened, shows that 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 1 in 5 of the most vulnerable children have not returned. This is not typically because of fear...
This report presents the results of an HEA (household economy analysis) outcome analysis (OA) exercise in October 2020 for two livelihood zones in Chhedagad and Kush Municipalities in Jajarkot District in Karnali Province of Nepal. The objective...
This is Save the Children’s sixth Global Accountability Report. Over the years, we have improved the way in which we collect and use the data that informs this report and the way it is presented. In producing this report year after year, it has...